History of Morsemere Community Church

The origins of Morsemere Community Church date back more than 100 years to the fall of 1921 as a Sunday school for the neighborhood of Morsemere, which straddles the northern border of Ridgefield and the southern border of Palisades Park. Rev. Albert Hall Marion organized the school, but it did not have a permanent home until he convinced a missionary affiliate of the Methodist Episcopal Church to help purchase our current property and construct a building. Our first pastor, Mr. Albert Allinger, a seminary student, dedicated the structure October 8, 1922.

The congregation grew and thrived until August 17, 1926, when a storm demolished the building that was always expected to be a temporary structure. Two years later the beautiful church we still know today was completed as Morsemere Community Church’s official house of worship.

Morsemere has always strived to be an inclusive, community church. As  such, despite its gratitude to the Methodist Episcopal Church, Morsemere severed its ties with the  ME Church in 1927, becoming non-denominational, a truly “community” church.

Over the next several decades, Morsemere saw a number of pastors and growth to its congregation. So much so that in 1961/1962 the church undertook a major expansion to build the Fellowship and Sunday School wing. During this time, Morsemere reached out to a very well respected, though newly retired, minister, the Rev. Dr. Russell D. Custer. Dr. Custer had formerly been president of the New York Synod of Evangelical & Reformed Churches and had been instrumental in the merger of denominations that resulted in the United Church of Christ.  In 1964, Morsemere, under his guidance, officially became a part of the United Church of Christ, which has allowed us to continue our independent nature, while being part of a large and supportive organization.   

Morsemere continued to worship and thrive under a number of pastors over the years, and in the fall of 2015, our current Pastor, Rev. Hyo-Jung Kim, began to lead our congregation, focusing our ministry on kindness, compassion, nurturing our spiritual lives.

For a full history of Morsemere, click here